ɬaxayam- Greetings and Welcome
My name is Stephanie. I'm the owner of Kalapuya Weaving and Consulting. Following my personal life and educational career experiences, I created a small business where I teach basket weaving classes to private and public venues, work with agencies both state and federal, museums and Tribal museums with cultural resource management, belongings conservation, produce museum quality basketry replicas, provide cultural education, presentations and continue the traditions of my Grandmothers and family before me. My goal is to help educate and pass on my knowledge to others.
My Mission
We focus on our traditional cultural lifeways, traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous ways of knowing, cultural resource management and indigenous museum collections, interpretation and management practices. We strive in continuing the lifeways of our ancestors through teaching and educating others about our way of life; and continuing to be good stewards of the land.